Top 10k strings from Music Maestro (1989)(Torchraven)(Side A).dsk
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [DSK] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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36 machine=48 33 machine=128 33 (a(selection)/256 29 Track-Info 22 pointer,a(selection)-(256 13 "TEST.MOB",230 12 position=49000 12 a(objects) 12 ***********************Play selected tune 11 selection>objects 11 selection < 0 11 pointer=63010 11 flag=63007 11 b$=b$+" ": 11 ;"ape or a"; 11 ;"Enter machine type:"; 11 ;"Does you machine have a:"; 11 ;" SELECT "; 11 ;" > ";selection 11 ***********************Set up some variables according to the machine type: machine : Machine type ( 128 or 48 ) tape : If the machine has a tape device : Which sound device the machine has 0=BEEP 11 ***********************Now, if this is a 128 machine, load the interruptinitialisation routine 11 ***********************Now let the user select oneof the tunes 11 ***********************Now initialise the interrupts 11 ***********************Lower memory to store the tunes and the interupt routine 11 ***********************Get type of machine, a 48K or one of the 128. The 128Kmachines need to do some extra things because of theway that thier memory is accessed. 11 ***********************Becuase 128 machines may have either a tape or disk ( 128/+2 or +3 ) we have toget if the machine has a tape or disk 11 "Start the tape"'' 11 "Loading objects"'' 10 selection>0 10 selection=0 10 position+length>62966 10 a(selection)<0 10 a$=" "+a$+" " 10 MUSIC PRG 10 "WAVE.MOB",455 10 "SONG.MOB",410 9 ***********************Now load the objects 9 ***********************Now load the interrupt routine 9 "ARABES.MOB",1379 8 position=position+length 8 a$="MUSIC MEASTRO": 8 "Press a key, and I will play"'"tune ";selection 7 selection= 7 position=position+l(i) 7 position+l(i)>62966 7 position+4 7 n$(objects,12 7 n$(i),l(i) 7 l(objects) 7 a(i)=position 7 *objects)+1 6 n$(i);" "; 6 Start tape and press <ENTER> 6 Loading : 6 ECOSSAISMUS 6 C_MINUETMUS 6 CAVATINAMUS 6 ;" NOT ENOUGH MEMORY "; 6 ;" ";n$(i);" "; 6 ***********************To use this routine, once initialised, you can use: GO SUB 9400 which brings up the list of tunes loaded and the user can then select one to play, or GO SUB 9700 which sets up the arrays, and then any time a tune is wanted to be played, LET selection=<tune_#> GO SUB 9800 6 ***********************This routine sets up the name ( n$ ), address ( a ) and length ( l ) arrays forthe tunes. If a tune will not fit in memory, then itsaddress is set to -1 and itcan nott be played. 6 ***********************Display that this file can not be loaded because thereis not enough memory. 6 *********************** 5 position,length 5 n$(objects,10 5 n$(a),length 5 a;") ";n$(a) 5 a(a)=position 5 WAVE MOB 5 SONG MUS 5 SONATA MUS 5 SAD MUS 5 R_POLKA MUS 5 RONDINO MUS 5 PASTORALMUS 5 NEWWORLDMUS 5 BOURREE MUS 5 ***********************Was unable to load any morefor fear of over writing the interrupt routine 5 ***********************This was one of the tunes that could not be loaded 5 "Too dangerous to load ";n$'' 4 ontinuously 4 TEST MOB 4 Start tape 4 Saving object : 4 SONG MOB 4 SAD MOB 4 P3 4 Object name > 4 INT 4 FANFARE MUS 4 CHARIOT MUS 4 BURLESKEMUS 4 BEAR_D MUS 4 ARABESQ MUS 4 ***********************This is a silly test program so that you can seeit works. 4 T A P E F I L E 4 D I S K F I L E 3 W P Q R S T U V W@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W`P`Q`R`S`T`U`V`W 3 PLAY BAK 3 PASTORALMOB 3 P2_BUL MUS 3 P2 3 O H I J K L M N O@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O`H`I`J`K`L`M`N`O 3 MUSIC 3 GAVOTTE MOB 3 G @ A B C D E F G@@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G`@`A`B`C`D`E`F`G 3 ELEC MUS 3 BARB MUS 3 ARABES.MOB SONG.MOB TEST.MOB WAVE.MOB 3 ****To turn of a tune: LET selection=-1 GO SUB 9800 3 ***********************To turn of a tune: LET selection=-1 GO SUB 9800 3 "YOU ARE NOW IN BASIC"''"Type 'RUN 9000' to select"'"another tune" 3 "WAVE.MOB",596 3 "SONG.MOB",572 3 "ARABES.MOB",1144 2 zxcv09876poiuy 2 position=position+lengt6h 2 nvelope Parameters 2 num mobs=0 2 hite-noise 2 a$="TORCHRAVEN": 2 WAVE MUS 2 Verifying : 2 VIB ENV 2 Unsuitable Media 2 Unrecognised Disk format 2 Unknown disk error 2 TESTER BAK 2 SET_INT 2 SCALE_C MUS 2 SCALE_B MUS 2 S2001 MUS 2 Read-only file 2 QWERTASDFG 2 Q@R@S@T@U@V@W`P`Q`R`S`T`U`V`W 2 Press <SPACE> to stop 2 Press <ENTER> to save 2 Press <ENTER> to continue 2 P1 2 Object length = 2 Object 3 offset = 2 Object 2 offset = 2 Object 1 offset = 2 No files found 2 NEWWORLDMOB 2 Missing address mark 2 MUSIC ORG 2 MUSIC BAK 2 GRAPH TOO BIG TO DISPLAY 2 File too big 2 File number not open 2 File not found 2 File already exists 2 FAPRM+-KJ7658 2 Extent Missing 2 End of file 2 ECOSSAISMOB 2 ECOSSA MUS 2 Drive not ready 2 Drive not found 2 Drive in use 2 Disk not Bootable 2 Disk is write protected 2 Disk changed while in use 2 Deleting : 2 DISK 2 Confirm delete : 2 Cataloging : 2 Catalog > 2 Cannot rename between drives 2 C_MINUETMOB 2 C_MINU MUS 2 CRC data error 2 CONFIRM NEW ? 2 CONFIRM CLEAR ? 2 CONFIRM BLOCK DELETE ? 2 Bar number : 2 Bad paramater 2 Bad file name 2 BURLESKEMOB 2 BREAK pressed during load 2 BOURREE MOB 2 BOURRE MUS 2 Access denied 2 ARABES MOB 2 ;flahs 1;"D"; 2 :`?/_)('&"; 2 7:;<=>?@ABCDEFGH 2 5867BCDFNRS. 2 12345qwertasdfg 2 -1- -2- -3- 2 *******************Track-Info 2 ***********************The following line is a patch for 48K machines. 2 ** ERROR ** Verify failed 2 ** ERROR ** TOO MUCH TO COPY 2 ** ERROR ** OUT OFF MEMORY 2 ** ERROR ** NO BLOCK MARKED 2 ** ERROR ** INVALID ENVELOPE 2 ** ERROR ** CANT FIND BLOCK 2 "YOU ARE NOW IN BASIC" 2 "MUSIC.SCN" 2 "MUSIC.PRG" 2 !#%&(*+-/1246 2 W H I T E N O I S E L E V E L 2 S O U N D D E V I C E 2 S A V E O B J E C T 2 O P T I O N S 2 I N S E R T 2 E N V E L O P E 2 C H A N G E S P E E D 2 C H A N G E K E Y 2 C H A N G E C H A N N E L 2 B L O C K 2 All channel data lost 2 "$&')+,.02357 2 "$%')*,.0135MUS 2 Overwrite 2 123456789012 2 2 1 so that you can seeit works. 1 selection<1 1 qVariations - Theodor Kullak 1 num mobs=num mobs+1 1 h ( l ) arrays forthe tunes. If a tune will not fit in memory, then itsaddress is set to -1 and itcan nott be played. 1 e rest of the program allows the user to select, and play tunes from the disk. 1 e initialised, you can use: GO SUB 9400 which brings up the list of tunes loaded and the user can then select one to play, or GO SUB 9700 which sets up the arrays, and then any time a tune is wanted to be played, LET selection=<tune_#> GO SUB 9800 1 a$="4"PLUS3DOS 1 _German Dance - Wolfgang Mozart 1 [kTrack-Info 1 WALTZ MUS 1 VTrack-Info 1 VCountry Minuet - Joseph Haydn 1 VARIAT MUS 1 TEST MUS 1 Sonata - D. Scarlatti 1 SET_INT BAK 1 R_POLKA MOB 1 R_POLK MUS 1 RONDIN MUS 1 PLAY1 1 PLAY 1 PASTOR MUS 1 P7 1 P6 1 P5 1 P4 1 P10 1 NJNNNLLLLKKKKJIJIIJIJ 1 NEWWOR MUS 1 MUSIC SCN 1 JNNNLLLLKKKKJIJIIJIJ 1 JGavotte - A. Corelli 1 Gigue a l'Angloise - GP Telemann 1 G_DANCE MUS 1 G_DANCE MOB 1 G_DANC MUS 1 GIGUE_ALMOB 1 GIGUE_ MUS 1 GAVOTT MUS 1 Ecossaise - Ludvig van Beethoven 1 EXTENDED CPC DSK File 1 DRussian Polka - M.I. Glinka 1 Cavatina - John Williams 1 CPDRead v3.24 1 CHARIO MUS 1 CAVATI MUS 1 Burleske - Leopold Mozart 1 Bourree - George Frederic Handel 1 Bear Dance - Robert Schumann 1 BURLES MUS 1 BOURREE .MOBG_DANCE .MOBSCALE .MOBWAVE .MOB y 1 BEAR_D MOB 1 Arabesque - Fredrich Burgmuller 1 ARABESQ MOB 1 ARABES.MOBSONG.MOB TEST.MOB WAVE.MOB 1 ARABES.MOB 1 ARABES.MOB 1 ARABES MUS 1 A 1 > 1 :Track-Info 1 8Pastorale - C.P.E. Bach 1 7(Track-Info 1 2Track-Info 1 2New World Air - Dvorak 1 2 Track-Info 1 1Waltz - Franz Schubert 1 *****Now load the interrupt routine 1 ********This is a silly test program so that you can seeit works. 1 ******************Track-Info 1 *******************a$: 1 *******************PLUS3DOS 1 ***********************The following section, getsall off the files that wereCATed above, into the arrayN$. 1 ***********************Now loadTrack-Info 1 %Track-Info 1 #Rondino - Jean Philippe Rameau 1 "YOU ARE NOW IN BASIC"''"Type 'RUN 9000' to select"'"another tune or 'RUN' for a demo" 1 "#$%&'()*+,-./01 1 !&()+,-./:;<=>[\]| 1 the interrupt routine 1 S.MOB",1379 1 A 1